Remnant University


Remnant University’s degree & non-degree programs carry out its mission statement and core values through the accomplishment of educational goals and objectives.

Educational Goals

1. Biblical Authority

A. Goals
Remnant University purposes to provide students with a thorough knowledge of Scripture, prepare them for ministering the Word to others, and instill in them a commitment to live by its authority. Students will be enabled to express a biblical worldview and to be transformed to live their lives according to it.

B. Objectives

(1) Students will be equipped with the exegetical skills and interpretative perspective needed for lifelong ministry.

(2) Students will be equipped with a thorough knowledge of the Bible and its core messages.

(3) Students will articulate a biblical worldview.

(4) Students will express the biblical foundation for a philosophy of Christian ministry.

(5) Students will demonstrate an ability to accurately apply Scripture to their contemporary context.

2. Academic Excellence

A. Goals
Remnant University purposes to provide a quality education that is academic and practical and which stimulates critical theological reflection and fosters lifelong learning. Students will develop the abilities which characterize well-educated ministers.

B. Objectives

(1) Students will master theological subject matters.

(2) Students will demonstrate an appreciation for the role of formal education and research in the daily lives of ministry.

(3) Students will achieve an ability to properly use and evaluate resource material.

(4) Students will demonstrate clear, logical written and oral expression of ideas.

(5) Students will demonstrate an appreciation for the role of scholarship in ministry.

(6) Students will evidence competence in the use of technological tools for research and ministry.

3. Practical Effectiveness

A. Goals
Remnant University purposes to provide a practical education that student can serve the church and their fields with what they have learned in the classes. The true value of education does not remain as theory and knowledge but it must be applied and practiced usefully in our lives.

B. Objectives

(1) Students will serve local churches to have opportunities to experience practical Christian ministry by which they internalize what they have learned.

(2) Students will be exposed to the practical application of what they have learned in classes from professors who have abundant field ministry experience.

(3) Students will have various opportunities to hear from the local pastors and missionaries about the practical field of Christian ministry.

4. Personal Godliness

A. Goals
Remnant University’s purpose to facilitate the spiritual development of students and to cultivate their desire to live in a manner worthy of their biblical calling. Students will be challenged to apply their knowledge to the development of godly character both in themselves and others.

B. Objectives

(1) Students will seek a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ, applied in godly character and service.

(2) Students will make personal and professional integrity and adherence to the highest ethical standards central, intentional, and distinguishing characteristics of their lives.

(3) Students will demonstrate an understanding of their own unique giftedness and an increased ability to use their giftedness in ministry to God.

(4) Students will articulate the principles of spiritual growth.

5. Servant-Leadership

A. Goals
Remnant University purposes to train students for the task of leadership in the local churches and society. Students will develop skills that will enable them to lead in church ministries and to compassionately care for the spiritual needs of the multi-cultural societies as a true Christian.

B. Objectives

(1) Students will seek a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ, applied in godly character and service. They will conform their lives to Christ and will endeavor to develop Christ-like characters.

(2) Students will make personal and professional integrity and adherence to the highest ethical standards central, intentional, and distinguishing characteristics of their lives.

(3) Students will demonstrate an understanding of their own unique giftedness and an increased ability to use their giftedness in ministry for the glory of God.

(4) Students will articulate the principles of spiritual growth.

6. Reformed Heritage

A. Goals
Remnant University purposes to provide students with knowledge of the historic Reformed tradition and instill in them a desire to perpetuate our Reformed heritage. Students will develop an appreciation for the Reformed distinctions.

B. Objectives

(1) Students will demonstrate knowledge of the essential doctrines and creeds of the Christian faith and Reformed heritage.

(2) Students will demonstrate an understanding of the unique place of Reformed theology within the broader context of church history and the contributions of various people, groups, and movements throughout the history of the church.

(3) Students will articulate the Reformed distinctions and the scriptural evidence from which they are derived.

(4) Students should articulate their theology in conversation with the past contributions of their Christian predecessors.

(5) Students will learn how Reformed tradition has been dynamically developed throughout the church history and how to conform it to our rapidly changing world without compromise.

7. Great Commission

A. Goals
Remnant University purposes to raise up the students as evangelism disciples who will save the region, nation and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

B. Objectives

(1) Students will know God’s greatest desire is to save the souls that they may devote their entire lives for the sake of world evangelization.

(2) Students will live a life of evangelist which comprises of word, prayer and evangelism in their daily lives.

(3) Students will understand twenty biblical evangelism strategies¬—five basics, five trainings, five systems and five futures—and experience evangelism practically in their lives.

(4) Students will articulate the importance of the church—local and para—and the importance of its unity for world evangelization.

Spiritual Goals

To enable the student to give evidence of an increasing likeness to Lord Christ as manifested in love for God, love for others, and evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit through prayer and reading the Bible every day.

Ministry Goals

(1) To enable the student to demonstrate an increasing involvement in the local church or other ministry with which he or she is associated.
(2) To enable the student to minister within a local church or other group by means of leadership skills, evangelism, and service.

Field of Education

Students enrolled in Remnant University for any degree program are required to participate in Christian service ministries for each academic semester specified in the program of study. Students are encouraged to choose a variety of ministries to obtain a broad background of experience and to discern the areas of their special capabilities.

Academic Freedom

In institution of higher education, like Remnant University, the principle of Academic Freedom is essential (distinctive) to the search for truth and its exposition. Freedom in research is fundamental to the advancement of knowledge and the right to Academic Freedom in its teaching aspect is fundamental for the protection of the rights of the faculty and of the students in the educational process.

These concepts of Academic Freedom are promoted at Remnant University and they are elaborated as follows:

The faculty, staff and of the students of Remnant University is entitled to full freedom in research and in publication of the results, subject to the adequate performance of Faculty’s other academic duties. The faculty member may take on additional employment, including research for pecuniary return, without the approval of the University’s officer or President of the University, provided it does not interfere with his/her duties at the University. The faculty and of the students of Remnant University are entitled to freedom in the classroom to discuss their subject, but should exercise this freedom in a responsible manner.

The faculty, staff and the students of Remnant University may exercise their rights as citizens when speaking or writing as citizens and should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but the faculty member’s special position in the community imposes special obligations. As a member of the teaching profession, and as a representative of an educational institution, the faculty member should remember that the public may judge his/her profession and his/her institution by his/her utterances.

Hence, the faculty member, staff and students should at all times be accurate; should exercise appropriate restraint; should show respect for the opinion of others; and should make every effort to indicate that (s)he is not speaking for Remnant University. Any faculty member and students who believes that his/her rights have been abridged or ignored by an administrative officer or employees of Remnant University and who is unable to obtain redress which is satisfactory to the faculty member within his/her own department, shall have the right to appeal to the President of the University.