Remnant University

Master of Missiology Program

Program Requirements

The following academic requirements apply to M.Miss. program:

1. Ten credit hours during a semester, or three credit hours during the winter term, is the minimum program for a full-time student. No student may take more than 20 credit hours during a semester without the permission of the faculty.

2. No student will be granted a degree whose cumulative academic average at the completion of the program is lower than 2.0. The degree shall be granted only to persons enrolled at Remnant University at the time of the completion of their program of study. A student who has completed requirements by the end of the winter term of the year of graduation may receive the degree in absentia

3. There are two tracks for completion of M.Miss. program.

a. Dissertation Writing Track requires 48 credit-hours classes (41 credits for core classes + 7 credits for elective classes) and dissertation writings (6 credit hours).

b. Research Paper Writing Track requires 60 credit-hours classes (41 credits for core classes + 19 credits for elective classes) and a research paper about 25 pages in length.


4. International students must be full-time each semester.

5. See academic requirements regarding Registration and Attendance, Withdrawal/Reinstatement, and Academic Standing on the catalog.

Program Length and Time Limit

The M.Miss. degree is designed as a two-year program. If no credits are transferred from another institution, two years of full-time study is the minimum amount of time it will take to complete the degree. Students who are taking courses on a part-time basis due to employment or other reasons should adjust their course work plans and extend their program length accordingly. The Registrar and Dean of Students are available for counsel concerning individual student needs.

The maximum time limit to complete the M.Miss. degree is 6 years (including any leave of absence or withdrawal period). Petitions for an extension due to unusual circumstances or hardship must be granted by the Faculty Committee of Three.


Dissertation Writing Track Total 54 Units (Core 37 + Elective 11) + Dissertation 6

Research Paper Writing Track: Total 60 Units (Core 37 + Elective 20) + Research paper 25page length (3) 

Theology of Evangelism: Core 15 units

Theology of Missiology: Core 8 units

Biblical Theology: Core 6 units

Core 15 Units

[ET111] Basic Message of Evangelism (3) 

[ET112] Mark’s upper room and Foundation of Biblical Evangelism (2)

[ET121] Team Ministry and System of Evangelism Movement (2)

[ET321] Biblical Evangelism 20 Strategies (2)

[ET123] The Life of the Evangelist and Intensive Training (3)

[ET122] The Message Flow of the Biblical Evangelism Movement (3)



[ET211] Mission Home and Disciple Training (2)

[ET221] Specialized Church and Specialized Ministry (2)

[ET311] Regional Church and Evangelism Camp (2)

[ET322] Remnant Movement and Education of Future Generations (2)

[ET212] Healing Ministry and Theology of Prayer (2)

[ET312] The Practice of Healing Ministry (2)











Core 8 Units

[MS211] Missiology 1:

   Business Missions, Enlightenment Missions, Elite Missions, TCK Mission (2)

[MS241] Missiology 2:

   Healing Missions, Welfare Missions, Culture Missions (2)

[MS221] Biblical Missions in the Book of Acts (2)

[PT231] Comparative Religion (2)

Core 6 Units

[OT113] Old Testament (3)

[NT111] New Testament (3)



[OT211] Pentateuch (3)

[OT223] Historical Book (2)

[OT311] Prophetical Books (2)

[OT323] Psalms and Wisdom (2)

[NT211] The Gospels (2)

[NT224] Book of Acts (2)

[NT225] Pauline Epistles and Pauline Theology (2)

[NT311] General Epistles and Revelation (2)

[NT123] Biblical Theological Hermeneutics (2)

[OT012] Hebrew 1 (2)

[OT013] Hebrew 2 (2)

[NT010] Greek 1 (2)

[NT011] Greek 2 (2)








Theology: Core 8 units

Core 8 Units

[ST112] Systematic Theology 1:

        Doctrine of the Word of God, Doctrine of God (3)

[ST212] Systematic Theology 2:

        Doctrine of Man, Doctrine of Christ(3)

[CH331] History of Missiology (2)


[ST312] Systematic Theology 3:

        Doctrine of Salvation, Doctrine of Pneumatology(2) 

[ST412] Systematic Theology 4:

        Doctrine of Church, Doctrine of Eschatology (2)

[CH211] Ancient History, Early Church History (3)

[CH224] Medieval Church and Reformation (3)

[CH323] Modern Church and Modern Theology (3)

[PT112] Theology of Pastoral Ministry (3)

[PT311] Homiletics (3)

[PT344] Church Administration and Liturgical Theology (3)