Female Assistant Pastor Course
Female assistant pastor course at Remnant University is designed for Christian women who do not anticipate seminary or graduate work, who are only interested in studying biblical topics associated with women’s ministry. However, it also is helpful for students to be prepared for further study in seminary or graduate school that the student is given opportunity to take courses usually required in seminary courses. This course is available to all women regardless of educational background. It is designed to provide supplemental training for women church leaders.
Female assistant pastor course, which is designed for pastor’s wives, women ministry leaders, lay leaders, missionaries, and any woman who desires to share words of God. This program allows students to be equipped with an introduction to biblical topics associated with women’s ministry and proper concept of mission especially for the field that they are living in. The very place where a Christian dwell is the mission field commissioned by God! This understanding of missional theology is the core concept of the missiology studies at Remnant University. This program educates future missionaries to understand cross-cultural community, true biblical mission and evangelism and helps to possess spirituality, emotionality, stamina, good financial management, and leadership.
The main goal of this program is to help Students know, understand, and apply principles fundamental to effectively ministering to women from all walks of life, including learning inductive Bible study, developing a consistent prayer life, examining the role of spiritual gifts in ministry, counseling women using the Bible, discipling women, balancing family and ministry, and using technology to advance the Kingdom of God. Furthermore, this program is to help students possess the gospel-oriented outlook of the world, discover disciples in the entire world and amongst multiethnic groups by applying the evangelism theology in the field, and train the pastoral ministers, missionaries, and layperson professional missionaries who possess the skills and contents worth training.
- Program Requirements
The following academic requirements apply to Female assistant pastor course:
- Nine credit hours during a semester is the maximum load for a student.
- The complete number of units is 36 semester units.
- Students must take Bachelor Program on a non-credit basis.
- Course Requirements