1. The Admission Office will notify the applicant of any outstanding requirements for admission (references, transcripts, etc.). However, it will speed up the process if all required items are forwarded promptly.
2. Completed applications are reviewed, and admission decisions are made on a continual basis. Applicants will be notified by letter of their admission status immediately after review.
3. Upon receipt of a letter of admission, a letter of intent to register should be forwarded to the university along with a $200 tuition deposit.
4. A registration packet will be sent approximately two weeks prior to the anticipated registration date.
5. Please feel free to direct any questions regarding application and admissions, procedures, transfer credit, medical insurance, payment schedules, employment, financial aid, vocational development or housing to the Admissions Office.
1424 Cavender Dr. Hurst, TX 76053 USA
TEL: 562-945-6470 (MON-FRI, 9:00AM – 12:00PM, 1:00PM – 6:00PM CST)