The Library Handbook made available for students is of vital importance to your education here at Remnant University (RU)! Take time to read it from beginning to end. You’ll find that it will save you time as you use RU’s Library. Moreover, it will make you a better student and will also aid you in becoming more diligent in your study of God’s Word (2Tim. 2:15).
The mission of RU’s Library is to provide you with quality service. As we do this, we are guided by these principles. First, the Library exists to provide you with a witness to the past by making available to you the wisdom of the ages in both print and electronic formats. Second, we also seek to provide you with a window on a world of ideas by providing access to divergent voices that will challenge you as you prepare for ministry in Christ’s Kingdom. Third, we are also a place of scholarship where you can study in comfort and receive the training and support you need to become a better scholar. Fourth, through our educational programs we want to be an active partner in your theological education.
RU Library is cataloged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system which most high schools use that you may be very familiar with it. However, we also have a long-term plan to convert this system into the Library of Congress classification system, because that is the one used by most colleges and it is better suited to a library such as ours in which most books are in one category. Most of our books, of course, are theological. As our library’s volumes grow, we will convert the system in a few years, but we use DDC at present time.
Please know that the Library staff is here to help you. They will be happy to answer your questions, help you find material pertinent to your needs, and be willing to aid in other ways that may fit your needs. We ask that you help them, also, by being respectful of them, by returning borrowed books by the due date, and by caring for the books and Library equipment.
As you study, as you read, and as you learn to “rightly divide the Word of truth,” may you be greatly blessed and may those who hear you preach and teach His Word be led to a deeper understanding of the will of God.
There are two methods of cataloging books in use among libraries — the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, and the Library of Congress (LC) system. At Remnant University, we currently use the former type of classification system.
1. Explanation of DDC Symbols
The numbers on the spine of the books have the following kinds of numbers:
For example;
DDC classification number 220.7 P526 w The Wycliffe Bible Commentary
- 220 means “Bible” and 7 means “Commentary.”
- Author’s number P526 -> the first initial letter of the author’s last name and 526 designates “Pfeiffer” according to Cutter-Sanborn author indication system.
- w designates the first letter of the book’s title without definite/indefinite article.
- Volume number (if the book is one of a set) is marked as V. 1.
- Copy number (if there is more than one) is marked as C.1.
All the bookshelves in the library are located according to DDC numbers. You can simply find out its location by categorized number label on the side of each bookshelf.
2. Library Catalog
All our books (except a few journals and magazines) are entered into a computer database system. CDB is very user friendly. Simply use the mouse to point and click on the desired search fields such as author, title, publisher, ISBN or year of the books and then simply type what the user wants to search.
The excel catalog lists all books, magazines, and periodicals. It is the simple ‘Microsoft Excel’ type file to search the titles, authors, book numbers, and more.
All books in the CDB are now listed in EC so you may be able to find your book on the any of computers in the library. It is the most effective way to find what you need in the library. Please request a copy of this file by sending an email to
Library Hours
- Mon ~ Tue : 09:00 am ~ 9:00 pm
- Wed ~ Fri : 09:00 am ~ 05:00 pm
- Sat ~ Sun : Closed
- Except for legal holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, etc.)
The Library is open Monday through Friday during all hours permitted according to the library handbook.
An attendant will be on duty each morning, afternoon, and evening, with some minor exceptions due to illness and mandatory meetings. Students will be working the evening hours. They are hired to work not to visit, and they are expected to maintain the same Library procedures that the Librarian will require during normal business hours. Please, show them the respect they deserve.
The Library will be closed on legal holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, etc.), during authorized all-school activities, and special all-school events.
Quiet is preferred. You will be expected to pick up any mess you make, leave books stacked on tables and throw away all trash.
Check- Out Procedures
1. Check- Out Procedures
A. How to check out a book:
We have an automated checkout of materials so be sure to bring your student ID for swifter service. If the system is down for some reason, we can resort to the card system.
No student is ever permitted to get into the drawers of the Front Desk or remove items from the desk. If no attendant is on duty, please, wait for the worker to return to the desk.
No Check out book is ever to be carried out of the library unless it has been scanned. Any deviation
from this regulation may result in severe fines or in curtailment of Library privileges.
We do not require that briefcases/backpacks be checked at the Front Desk, as some colleges have found it necessary to do. Please help us to keep from instituting such a rule. Just do not put books into your briefcases/backpacks to take them home for study purposes without first having them properly checked out for our records. Thus, you will help us to keep you from being accused of theft!
WORD OF CAUTION: Never ever check out material in your name for someone else unless you are willing to be held liable. If material is lost, you will be held responsible. If borrowed by you and loaned to another person you are still responsible. It is not the librarian’s duty to track the chain of borrowers from you to someone else. Return the items to the library for the other person to borrow.
B. Non circulating materials – These are not allowed to check-out.
1) Reference Books 2) Periodicals 3) Newspapers
C. Circulating materials
1) Books and Journals a) Faculty Members: Up to 10 book – 4 weeks b) Students: Up to 5 books – 1 week
2) Video tapes, Cassette Tapes, & DVDs a) Faculty Members: Up to 5 materials – 2 weeks b) Students: Up to 2 materials – 1 week
D. Late Fees
There are penalties on late returns.
1) Non-reserved materials: $0.25 / day / material
2) Reserved materials: $2.00 / day / material
2. Returning Procedures
Please return the borrowed materials to the Librarian and/or main office before due date. If the librarian or RU officials do not know about your materials return, a late fee will be charged.
3 Renewal
In order to renew previously borrowed materials, you must make a renewal request either in person or over the phone before the due date. Only one-time renewal will be allowed.
4. Lost or Damaged Materials
If the patrons have lost or destroyed any library materials, he/she must report to the librarian and the student will have to pay for 150% of the original price of the book to the library. Otherwise, a late fee will be charged until the book is replaced.
Every effort should be made to find any Library material that has been misplaced, because many of them may be difficult or impossible to replace.
Only books and materials in reasonable condition are circulated. When books and materials are loaned, the Librarian notes the condition. Books, for example, are not circulated if spines are broken, hinges torn, etc. The plastic containers for audio or videotapes are not melted or broken, when checked out. Equipment is in satisfactory working condition when loaned, etc.
Borrowers are held responsible for the condition of the books checked out in their name. It is not wise to give the book to another student, with the book checked out in your name. If the other person loses it, you are the one who will be held accountable!
Keep the materials away from little children, dogs, or gerbils. Do not leave books, and especially video or audiotapes, in the hot sun (say on the seat or roof of your car), or where they might get wet.
If the book is lost and later found and returned, and is in satisfactory condition, a partial refund will be made (charged amounts minus late fee).
Patrons who chronically lose books will not be permitted to check out any new books or other Library materials.
While we expect loving care and respect for our Library’s materials — there is a special care the patron must exercise if the materials are borrowed by us from other libraries. We do not wish to lose the privilege of borrowing from others because our patrons lose what they have borrowed. So, do not leave the borrowed materials on a shelf in the hall, or in someone else’s car, etc. Take special care of it, and return it in good condition, please!
Persons who mark, underline, or highlight in borrowed books will be asked to either replace the item or pay a $30 fine for each marked book depending on the damage done.
5. Returning Unwanted Books to the Shelf
It is preferred that unwanted items be brought to the Front Desk or left on a table. We will be able to scan the item as used and return it to the proper place. A book that is shelved in the wrong place is lost to the next searcher, so please, DON’T RESHELF.
6. Books not found in the Stacks
If a book listed in the Catalog is not found in its place on the shelf, the student should make inquiry of the person on duty at the desk.
The records may show that the book is already checked out to another student, or it is on reserve. If not checked out, the book may be in use on one of the tables, or out of place for some other reason.
The Librarian on duty will make a special search for it, and it will be available to you as quickly as it is located.
7. Handling books and other Library materials
BE CAREFUL! HANDLE TENDERLY! Some of our books are very old and will not hold together if treated harshly.
NEVER BREAK THE BACK OF A BOOK, or otherwise mutilate it — else you will be expected to pay the cost of replacing the book. (If the book will not lay open easily, take a moment to properly “open” it!) ASK HOW AND WE WILL BE HAPPY TO SHOW YOU!!!!!
You may be charged for damaged items.
8. Holding material
When a student wants material that is already checked out, a “hold” should be requested at the Front Desk. A notice will be sent, and the book shelved behind the Front Desk. In this way, it will be available for others to use in the library, and still be available for the one requesting it. Items “on hold” should be picked up within 48 hours of the notice that the material is available.
9. Requesting resources by email
Student may request assistance with library resources such as scanned copies [within copyright law allowance] or mailing of physical copies of books. Library staff will also assist in securing digital copies of journal articles via interlibrary load. Please email the library staff with your request,
Every faculty and student registered for classes at the Remnant University is eligible to use library services with their student identification cards.
- Faculties/students should always carry the cards with them in order to check out, return or renew books.
- If faculties/students lose their identification cards, they must apply for a new card at the college main office.
- If there is any change in their information, students/faculty members must notify the librarian and college main office.
In accordance with all federal, Texas, and local laws, confidentiality of all library patrons’
library use will be maintained.
Every faculty and student registered for classes at the Remnant University is eligible to use library services with their student identification cards.
- Library Consultant: Dr. Joseph Craig Kubic
- Library Assistant Staff: Paul Kim
- Email contact: /