Remnant University is dedicated to honoring all members of its community and offering a high-quality educational environment for every student. In support of this commitment, the university has implemented a policy and procedure for addressing complaints or grievances related to any aspect of a student’s educational journey. Students are urged to first attempt to resolve any issues at the appropriate level before escalating it further. If informal resolution fails or is not feasible, students can submit a formal complaint to the Dean of Academic Affairs or the Vice President directly. This formal complaint should detail the matter in question, the action taken, and the desired resolution.

Students should submit a formal complaint by sending it to the school or school email address at The complaint should include the following information:

Student name 
Telephone and email contact information
Details regarding your complaint
Evidence that supports the complaint and how it can be verified 
Describe What harm has resulted
The actions already taken to resolve this issue and who has been consulted
The remedy or solution you seek for this complaint


The Dean of Academic Affairs and the Vice President will assess and assign the most suitable investigator for student complaints or guide the student to the relevant office for resolution.

The relevant investigator will conduct an interview with the complaining party.
The investigation might entail reaching out to other individuals involved.
Conflict resolution attempts may involve facilitating discussions among all parties.
In cases where the complaint is related to a student’s employment as a student worker within the University or involves other student and/or Remnant University employee relationships, supervisors and associated employees may be contacted.
All involved parties will receive written decisions.
Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Dean of Academic Affairs and Vice President within five days of the initial decision. The Dean of Academic Affairs and Vice President’s appeal rulings are definitive.
Complaint records will be kept within the Office of the Dean of Academic Affairs and the Vice President.

Initial resolution of student complaints should be sought internally. If internal resources do not result in a satisfactory resolution, students may escalate the complaint to the regulatory agency in their state of instruction and/or the institution’s accrediting agency. Contact details for these agencies are provided below:

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Office of the General Counsel
P.O. Box 12788 Austin,
TX 78711

(512) 427-6438

For more information, visit the THECB student complaint webpage –

In any case of racist behavior, the offended person must report the incident immediately to the President or the Dean of Student Affairs. A student also has the option of filing a formal charge of harassment with the U.S. Department of Education. Its address and telephone number are available from the Office of RU,
1424 Cavender Dr. Hurst, TX USA 76053. Tel. 562.945.6470.