Student Conduct
All diploma and degree candidates of Remnant University are expected to conduct themselves at all times as mature Christians. Remnant University stands committed to the position of the Westminster Standards as sound exposition of the biblical principles of conduct as well as of faith and doctrine.
Remnant University reserves the right to refuse to admit or dismiss students whose conduct fails to meet the ethical principles set forth in the Bible and the Westminster Standards.
“I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation where with ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph.4:1-3).
In keeping with the goal of a drug-free campus, possession or consumption of alcohol anywhere on the campus, including class rooms, is not permitted. Remnant University prohibits the possession or use of alcoholic beverages on campus or at functions elsewhere held by Remnant University or its organizations. Public display, drunkenness, and misconduct are violations of the conduct rules and those violating these rules will be disciplined in accordance with the seriousness of the violation.
Remnant University prohibits the possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs. Anyone apprehended using or selling on campus will be subject to immediate dismissal.
Remnant University reserves the right to conduct an inspection of any class room or automobile when it has good reason to believe that Remnant University regulations are being violated. Remnant University also must reserve the right to request at any time the withdrawal of a student who cannot make the required progress toward graduation or whose conduct is detrimental to his or her health or whose conduct is not satisfactory to its officials. A student may be asked to withdraw because of unsatisfactory conduct in the absence of any specific charge.
Criteria for Expulsion a Student
(1) By regulation of federal education
(2) By the school regulation
(3) Student fails to attend for one month of the semester without permission of Remnant University
(4) Student does not register a course for two month by the school regulation
(5) Student does not return to the school after the student asks for a leave of absence for one semester
(6) Student receives 3 warnings of educational matters by the school regulation
(7) Student gains admission to another school without permission of Remnant University
Remnant University Honor System
In a Remnant University community, there can be no doubt that honor and the pursuit of knowledge are intertwined. An honor system must be believed in, supported by and administered by the entire community. Upon enrollment at Remnant University, each student is automatically subject to the provisions of the Honor System.
Each student has a duty to become familiar with the Honor Code and the provisions of the Honor System. Ignorance of what constitutes an Honor Code violation cannot be used as a defense in an honor hearing. The Honor System at Remnant University does not discriminate based upon race, color, national origin, political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability.
All academic work such as, but not limited to, examinations, papers and other written or electronically submitted assignments is submitted pursuant to the Honor Code, and shall contain the following pledge (or similar pledge approved by the faculty or staff member) of the student(s) submitting the work: “On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work. The pledge shall be signed by the student(s) unless it is submitted electronically, in which case the faculty or staff member may require a different method of proof of a student’s pledge.
What is The Honor Code-Students shall observe complete honesty in all academic matters. Violations of the Honor Code include, but are not limited to, taking or attempting to take any of the following actions:
1. Using unauthorized materials or receiving unauthorized assistance during an examination or in connection with any work done for academic credit. Unauthorized materials may include, but are not limited to, notes, textbooks, previous examinations, exhibits, experiments, papers, or other supplementary items.
2. Giving false or misleading information regarding an academic matter.
3. Copying information from another student during an examination.
4. Rendering unauthorized assistance to another student by knowingly permitting him or her to see or copy all or a portion of an examination or any work to be submitted for academic credit.
5. Obtaining prior knowledge of examination materials (including by using copies of previously given examinations obtained from files maintained by various groups and organizations) in an unauthorized manner.
6. Selling or giving to another student unauthorized copies of any portion of an examination. Using a commercially prepared paper or research project or submitting for academic credit any work completed by someone else.
7. Falsifying or attempting to falsify class attendance records for oneself, or for someone else, or having another falsify attendance records on your behalf.
8. Falsifying material relating to course registration or grades, either for oneself or for someone else.
9. Falsifying reasons why a student did not attend a required class or take a scheduled examination.
10. Taking an examination in the place of another student.
11. Making unauthorized changes in any reported grade or on an official academic report form.
12. Falsifying scientific or other data submitted for academic credit.
13. Collaborating in an unauthorized manner with one or more other students on an examination or any work submitted for academic credit.
14. Committing the act of plagiarism – the deliberate copying, writing, or presenting as one’s own the information, ideas, or phrasing of another person without proper acknowledgment of the true source.
15. Using computing facilities or library resources in an academically dishonest manner. Falsifying evidence, or intimidating or influencing someone in connection with an honor violation investigation, hearing, or appeal.
Spiritual Life of Student
1. Student Orientation….Remnant University offers orientation each semester for new and returning students to provide information on school life, policies, regulations, faculty, administration, and the surrounding community for the upcoming semester.
2. International Students….The needs of international students studying at Remnant University are unique and require additional attention to meet their needs. Remnant University recognizes that these students need more help than local students in adjusting to life at Remnant University. Although the university does not operate dormitories, ample housing is available nearby.
3. Student Fellowship….Every student enrolled at Remnant University is a member of the Student Fellowship. The student activity fee funds student activities. The Student Fellowship seeks to stimulate prayer and fellowship among students and organizes the bi-annual evangelism camp (outreach) and special evangelism seminar.
4. Student Clubs….Remnant University encourages the formation of student clubs that will be beneficial to the students academically and emotionally. Friendship and fellowship among Christians can be soothing to the soul, promote a spirit of cooperation, and a desire to continue the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. We, therefore, encourage the clubs that abide by our Christian values, ethics, and spiritual life. Examples of clubs are: Mentoring Club, Book reading Club, Short-term missions Club, Bible study Club and more in Remnant University campus and fieldwork.
5. Worship and Spiritual Life….Students at Remnant University enjoy a variety of opportunities to enhance their spiritual development. It is expected that all students will regularly attend and be involved in a local church.
Remnant University conducts opening worship at the beginning of each semester. There are chapel services for students every Monday. Chapel services feature worship, as well as messages by members of the faculty and other Christian leaders. All students are expected to attend chapel. In addition, to assist in the spiritual nurturing of the student body, the Student Government Council arranges the evangelism camp (outreach) during each semester. The worship services and other spiritual nurture opportunities are intended to complement the instruction and spiritual growth students receive in the classroom.